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Writer's pictureQueen Siti

How Islam Works

Assalammualaikum and hello everyone.

We all know what is going on all over the world- about how terrorists Muslims are, how bad Islam is. I mean, wow we are the worst until we don't deserve to live in any country! Of course, the Zionists who attack innocent citizens and children in Palestine deserve to live in the country! And of course, the New Zealanders who killed Muslims in the mosque are kind! Only Muslims are bad in this whole wide world! (Sorry, I just can't help being sarcastic.)

Fortunately, I noticed that from time to time, netizens tend to open their eyes and accept all kinds of people just the way there are- especially Muslims. This makes me feel so relieved. Even though this situation spreads, there a still a few percentages of people who are still being racist and mock us Muslims. I took a moment to analyse this situation and thought perhaps those people haven't been disclosed about how Islam actually is.

So we are here today to discover how Islam actually works!

Based on the terrorist attack on 11th, September 2001, Al-Qaeda attacked the United States and caused 2996 deaths. (Let's on waste time on the information because you can search it on Google.) Firstly, I want to apologise on how disgusting those Muslims acted. Yes, I am a Muslim and I am against all other Muslims terrorism. Do you know why? Because Islam never teaches us to create chaos. Allah never ordered us Muslims to kill innocent people as jihad.

jihad (noun) ; a struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam or

the spiritual struggle within oneself against sin.

(Jihad is a very big subject. It is not only counted by going to a war. We will talk about this later.)

It is said by Allah that;

“He who kills a soul unless it be (in legal punishment) for murder or for causing disorder and corruption on the earth will be as if he had killed all humankind, and he who saves a life will be as if he had saved the lives of all humankind.” (Quran 5:32)

And also mentioned by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w;

“You will not enter Paradise until you believe and you will not believe until you love each other. Shall I show you something that, if you did, you would love each other? Spread peace among yourselves.” (Sahih Bukhari)

Moreover, do you know where the world Islam came from? Well, Islam was taken from the world Salam which means peace. We also say assalammualaikum when we greet other Muslims which means "peace be upon you".

Even before engaging in battle, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w prohibited his soldiers to kill any child, woman, elder or sick person. They are also not allowed to destroy the villages and towns- and so many more.

By all of these dalils, it is obvious one of the main objectives in Islam is to create peace. So why do most of the Muslims around the world create chaos and war instead of peace? Well, what they potray to the world is not the real Islam. They mistook what Islam taught them and practised it in the wrong way. The consequence? Islam is labeled as terrorist and got all the humiliation in the world.

In the conclusion, Islam is such a peacful religion and lifestyle. We might have some Muslims who potray bad images but not all Muslims are bad. Everyone does sins, don't they? I mean- don't we? I know, the world starts to accept us and that really calms my heart. We just pray that they will get hidayah and all of us will be sent to paradise. Ameen.

Open your eyes,

Live your life,

Until next time.

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