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Writer's pictureQueen Siti

A Journey in A Book

Assalammualaikum and hey.

Wow, three months without writing? That sounds like a hiatus. But I'm back!

Okay let's get right into the topic. Today I want to talk about a journey in a book. To be truthful, the topic is just about keeping a diary. The title makes it fancy. xD Well, do you own a diary yourself? I have a diary. Like how we've been mindset, diary is more into a book which is held by a five grade girl who is experiencing the first time of having a crush. Dairies are for kids!

Let's change that a little. To me, diary is a place where we tell the adventure of life by dumping the ink of pen on it. Diary is a sink to spill.

I have my very own diary. I wrote everything I've been through, and I will write more in the future. The reason why I keep a diary is that I take morals of my mistakes, incidents that hit me and yeah, probably everything that happened in my life. After I wrote an entry, I will read it again in the future so I will remember how I felt, how I reacted and how I coped in that situation. I will make a conclusion, take it as a moral and TRY to avoid the same mistake in the future. (Yup, I said "try" because I'm a flawful girl. It's not like everything will work out like how we expect, right?)

Moreover, don't you think that if we had a diary, I will be like a novel which is written by us? We keep the diary until we grow old, and when it's time, we will read it again and it will become completely nostalgic. We will be having flashback in the heads. I won't argue if some of us will have their teardrops streamed down because at that moment, we finally realise how strong we are. We finally realised how great we are for surviving thus far after experiencing millions of tragidies. Isn't it great? It's great to me.

Diary is our "homemade" novel! It's the best and greatest novel we ever wrote because it's created by God. (you could say "life" if you want. Up to you.)

So, what I'm trying to deliver is I don't think diaries are for kids only. Diary doesn't have an age. If you want to keep a diary, then do. It doesn't matter how it looks like. A diary with long entries (just like mine), a diary with points, just do whatever you want! But if you don't feel like it, well then it's up to you. It's your life, I'm not pushing. It's the simple things in life that makes our lives better.

Open your eyes, live your life.

Until next time.

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